What are Lawn Diseases?
Is your grass looking patchy or discoloured? It might have a lawn disease. Lawn diseases are very common. However, they are treatable, and your lawn can return to a healthy state. Here are a couple of common lawn diseases and how to treat them.
Red Thread
Red thread is a very common lawn disease. Red thread causes the grass leaf to die, often leaving brown or pink patchy areas in your lawn. Red thread usually favours the humid and mild weather conditions. Typically starting from may onwards and worse in autumn. It can be easily treated and should leave no lasting damage.
How to treat Red Thread?
Red thread is usually caused by a nitrogen deficiency, so it can be treated by applying a nitrogen fertilizer (Not a slow release product) which will encourage growth, a fertiliser containing some potassium as well is often preferable. This enables the disease to be mowed out. Red thread can also be managed with trifloxystrobin, a fungicide contained in Bayer Garden lawn disease control.
Fusarium Patch is another very common lawn disease It is a fungus that attacks turf, particularly fine fescue and some blue grasses. If left unmanaged the patches increase in size and in the worst-case situations can become large dead patches. Fusarium is normally found in autumn and is worse underneath uncollected leaves,
How to treat fusarium?
You can treat fusarium with trifloxystrobin. You can pick up lawn disease treatments from most local garden centres or nursery’s or from Pitchcare.com